Casa Guava

C u l e b r a , P R

  Culebra is such a special Caribbean Paradise that many professionals living in Puerto Rico have made it their preferred destination for relaxation. One such couple owns Casa Guava.
            Located in the exclusive “La Pela” bay peninsula (where building codes allow for only one structure per 5 acres) Casa Guava is the most tasteful, private and comfortable house you will find in the island. It was designed with the accumulated experience of having stayed in various houses in the island over 20 years. It is a simple, open, private and cozy home.

            Go on to the photo gallery and enjoy! Read about what a Culebra vacation could be like.  If it suits you, get in touch with us and we will help you plan your visit.

Its beaches are ranked among the best in the world, its natural beauty and conserved state puts you in direct contact with nature at every moment and every turn. Just look at the pictures!  But after 25 years of enjoying Culebra, what we value most is not what it has but what it does not have: no hurry, no stress, no modern anything and very limited luxuries. 

Flag of Culebra

            The US Navy pulled out of the island back in 1974. The Puerto Rico government agreed to preserve and protect its natural resources while avoiding major urbanization or corporate tourism developments. Locals wanted it that way. Its all about simple life, easy-going days/nights, natural resource preservation and enjoying what nature has to offer.
            For more on Culebra, visit: Wikipedia Information about Culebra, Puerto Rico

. . . w w w . C a s a G u a v a . c o m . . .